How does it work?

  • 1

    Your opinion!

    Answer simple questions and earn rewards.

  • 2

    Earn Cash!

    Surveys take 5–30 minutes to complete.

  • 3

    Have Fun!

    Answer honestly for more survey invites.

How it works

  • You must first register to SURVEYTOEARN which takes only few seconds, simple, and Completely FREE.
  • Enter your email, name, and a few basic details to Register.
  • Complete your Profile by sharing interests and preferences.
  • A complete profile helps match you with Relevant Surveys.
  • Answer Surveys based on your profile to earn rewards.
  • The more accurate your info, the better your Earning chances.


Survey Invitations

Our team will begin sending you survey invites as soon as your profile is created. Upon logging in, you will either view the available surveys or receive an email notification. The purpose of the survey, the duration, and the type of award will be explained in each invitation. Depending on your interests and time, you can choose which ones you wish to do. Check your email and dashboard regularly for new surveys. Spots can fill up quickly, so responding fast helps. Always give truthful and consistent answers. This will keep your profile in good standing and help you qualify for more surveys.

Help & Support

Give your Opinion!

Simple Questions are asked in most surveys. It consist of brief written answers or multiple-choice questions.


Make Money!

Time Commitment is required. The average survey lasts five to thirty minutes.


Have Fun!

Be Sincere with your answers. Provide accurate responses! Your chances of receiving future surveys may be impacted if you rush through.


Redeem your Rewards

You can redeem prizes as soon as you have enough in your account. Before you can pay out, you must satisfy a minimum threshold on our website. Before you may withdraw, for instance, you might need to have $5 or 500 points. The method of payment delivery is up to you. PayPal, bank transfers, and gift cards to your preferred retailers are popular choices.

Make sure to review our compensation alternatives to see which one best suits your needs.

One easy and adaptable approach to get money is by participating in paid surveys. Although it won't make you wealthy, it's a simple method to make your beliefs pay off. Simply register, fill out your profile, complete surveys, and then cash in your profits.

Join us by signing up and give yourself a chance by earning money online.